Mouthpiece & Orifice Apparatus:


This Closed-Circuit apparatus to conduct the experiment on different Mouth Pieces by changing of different mouth pieces.


1. Suction Pipe: 25 mm
2. Delivery Pipe: 25 mm
3. Output: 3000 LPH
4. Suction Lift: 3 meters
5. Total Head: 25 meters
6. Type: Centrifugal, Mono block
7. Motor Capacity: ½ HP
8. Speed: 1440 RPM
9. Power Requirement: 230V, AC, 50Hz.
10. Sump Tank Size: 950 X 300 X 450 mm with ½” Drain Valve
11. Collecting Tank: 300 X 300 X 475 mm with Piezometer arrangement with 02″ Drain Valve
12. Supply Tank: 300 X 300 X 575mm with Piezometer arrangement with 01″ drain
valve. Arrangement for testing the mouth piece.
13. Tanks Material: Stainless Steel, Grade- 304
14. Head Control: 01” Gate Valve, Zoloto Make
15. Piping System: 01″ GI Piping, Class B
16. No. of Mouth Pieces: 04 Nos.
17. Size: 10mm, 12mm, Convergent and Divergent Mouth Piece.
18. Arrangement for X-Y position measurement of the water jet.
19. Power Control: 32A DP Switch

Rigid MS framework compactly fitted with all the above items as a self-sufficient package unit, suitable for operation without any foundation.

Notch & Weir Test Rig:


This Closed-Circuit apparatus to conduct the experiment on Triangular Notch of different sizes.

Rigid MS framework compactly fitted with all the above items as a self-sufficient package unit, suitable for operation without any foundation.


1. Suction Pipe: 25 mm
2. Delivery Pipe: 25 mm
3. Output: 3000 LPH
4. Suction Lift: 3 meters
5. Total Head: 25 meters
6. Type: Centrifugal, Mono block
7. Motor Capacity: ½ HP
8. Speed: 1440 RPM
9. Power Requirement: 230V, AC, 50Hz.
10. Sump Tank Size: 950 X 300 X 450 mm with ½” Drain Valve
11. Collecting Tank: 300 X 300 X 475 mm with Piezometer arrangement with 02″ Drain Valve
12. Supply (Channel) Tank: 1100 X 200 X 150mm with 01″ drain valve.
13. Arrangement made for testing of the different Triangular Notches.
14. Tanks Material: Stainless Steel, Grade- 304
15. Head Control: 01” Gate Valve, Zoloto Make
16. Piping System: 01″ GI Piping, Class B
17. No. of Notches: 02 Nos.
18. Size: Triangular Notches of Size 60° & 90°
19. Arrangement for water depth measurement.
20. Power Control: 32A DP Switch

Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus:


This Closed-Circuit apparatus to conduct the experiment on Bernoulli’s Theorem.


1. Suction Pipe: 25 mm
2. Delivery Pipe: 25 mm
3. Output: 3000 LPH
4. Suction Lift: 3 meters
5. Total Head: 25 meters
6. Type: Centrifugal, Mono block
7. Motor Capacity: ½ HP
8. Speed: 1440 RPM
9. Power Requirement: 230V, AC, 50Hz.
10. Sump Tank Size: 950 X 300 X 450 mm with ½” Drain Valve
11. Collecting Tank: 300 X 300 X 475 mm with Piezometer arrangement with 02″ Drain Valve
12. Bernoulli’s Supply Tanks: 200 x 200 x 475mm tanks – 02 Nos.
13. A duct is welded between two tanks and 07 Nos. of Piezometers are arranged to measure the pressure head in the duct.
14. Tanks Material: Stainless Steel, Grade- 304
15. Head Control: 01” Gate Valve,
16. Piping System: 01″ UPVC Piping System
17. Power Control: 32A DP Switch

Rigid MS framework compactly fitted with all the above items as a self-sufficient package unit, suitable for operation without any foundation.

Chezy’s Constant Apparatus:


The flume consists of a channel of size as in specifications. At the inlet a flow steadying section is provided so that there will be fewer disturbances at the test section. The gate provided at the upstream of the test section help to regulate the depth of flow. Depth measurements can be achieved with the help of a hook or point gauge mounted on a trolley which gives longitudinal and transverse movement. The slope of the bed can be adjusted to give positive or negative slopes.

Rigid MS framework compactly fitted with all the above items as a self-sufficient package unit, suitable for operation without any foundation.


1. Suction Pipe: 25 mm
2. Delivery Pipe: 25 mm
3. Output: 4000 LPH
4. Suction Lift: 3 meters
5. Total Head: 25 meters
6. Type: Centrifugal, Mono block
7. Motor Capacity: 1 HP
8. Speed: 1440 RPM
9. Power Requirement: 230V, AC, 50Hz.
10. Sump Tank Size: 1250 X 300 X 375 mm with ½” Drain Valve
11. Collecting Tank: 300 X 300 X 475 mm with Piezometer arrangement with 02″ Drain Valve
12. Flume Size: 2000mm width, 300mm depth & 250mm test section length
13. Transparent test section: 1000mm to visualize the flow in the flume
14. A point gauge mounted on a trolley
15. Sluice gate: arranged at the upstream of the test section
16. Tanks Material: Stainless Steel, Grade- 304
17. Head Control: 01” Gate Valve, Zoloto Make
18. Piping System: 01″ GI Piping, Class B
19. Power Control: 32A DP Switch

Hydraulic Ram Pump Apparatus:


Hydraulic Ram Pump Apparatus with A suitable Venturi meter and differential manometer with mercury for waste water measurement.


Hydraulic Ram of size 50 x 15mm to work against the delivery head 30 Meter from a supply head of 2.5 Meter to discharge about 60 LPH at 15 meters head.

Stainless Steel Supply tank of size 300 x 300 x 750mm height with overflow by pass system arranged for maintaining a constant supply head of 2.5 meter from the hydraulic ram with a supply pipe of size 50 mm dia. A delivery pipe with a control valve and a pressure gauge for supply of water.

Stainless steel collecting tank of size 250 x 250 x 500mm height with standard fittings for the measurement of useful water.

Stainless Steel sump tank of size 1000 x 500 x 500mm height capacity to store sufficient water for independent circulation through the unit for experimentation and arranged within the floor space of the main unit.

Supply pump set of 0.5 HP, 230 VAC, 50Hz to pump water from the sump to store the unit through proper piping system with a gate valve to control the rate of flow.

Rigid MS framework compactly fitted with all the above items as a self-sufficient package unit, suitable for operation without any foundation.