Critical Heat flux apparatus:
It consists of a cylindrical glass container, the test heater and a heater coil for initial heating of water in the container. This heater coil is directly connected to the mains and the test heater is also connected to the mains via a Dimmerstat and an ammeter is connected in series to the current while a voltmeter across it to read the voltage.
The glass container is kept on the table. The test heater wire can be viewed through a magnifying lens. Figure enclosed shows the set up.
• Length of Nichrome wire, L = 52 mm
• Diameter of Nichrome wire, D = 0.25 mm (33 gauge)
• Distilled water quantity = 4 liters
• Thermometer range: 0 – 100 0C
• Heating coil capacity (bulk water heater): 2 kW
• Dimmerstat: 03 KW Capacity Electronic Type
• Meters: Digital Voltmeter, 0-300v, Ammeter: Digital Ammeter. 20A
• Digital Temp Indicator: 0-400°C with Selector Switch.
Heat Pipe Demonstration Apparatus:
The heat pipe demonstrator has been designed and developed to reveal clearly the super conducting device. It consists of three identical cylindrical conductors. One end of these is heated electrically while there are small capacity tanks acting as heat sinks at the other end.
The unit consists of a heat pipe, a copper pipe and a stainless-steel pipe. Thermocouples are embedded along the lengths to measure the temperature distribution and the heat transfer rate is noted in terms of the temperature rise in the heat sink tanks. The performance of the heat pipe as a super-conducting device could be studied well in terms of the temperature distribution along the length at a given instant and could be compared with other two members. Nearly isothermal temperature distribution and fast rise of temperature in heat sink tank reveals the heat pipe superiority over the conventional conductors. The apparatus can be operated under different heat input rates to the heaters by using variac and which can be measured by digital volt and ammeter.
The whole system is a single unit, consists of a metallic, powder coated control panel with MS table, which gives esthetic finish. The apparatus provided with digital instrumentation to get accurate readouts and results.
Two Phase Heat Transfer Apparatus:
The whole system is a single unit, consists of a metallic, powder coated control panel with MS table, which gives esthetic finish. The apparatus provided with digital instrumentation to get accurate readouts and results.
• Inlet Temperature: 0-400 Degree C with TSS
• Digital Voltmeter: Digital voltmeter of range 0-200V AC
• Control Panel: Stand Alone Metallic powder coated panel
• Specimen: Methylene Dichloride (CH2CL2)
• Glass Column: 75mm OD, 300mm long
• Ammeter: Digital ammeter of range 0-2A AC
• Rotameter: flow measurement by Rotameter
• Thermocouples: RTD PT 100 type 5 nos.
• Regulator: Variac – 0-230V, 4A
• Experimental Capability: Rate of Heat Transfer, Effectiveness
• Manual: Self-explanatory Instruction manual
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Apparatus:
The system is a single unit, consists of a metallic, powder coated control panel with MS table, which gives esthetic finish.
• Control Panel: Stand Alone Metallic powder coated panel
• Specimen Shell: 200mm dia, 5mm thick, 1m long MS pipe
• Tubes: ½” dia, 1020mm long Copper or seamless MS tubes
• Insulation: Asbestos Cloth / Rope
• Geyser: 1 liter, 3 kW (Optional: SS Tank with Heater & Pump)
• Flow measurement: Measuring Jar with digital stop watch (Optional: Rota meters).
• Temperature Indicator: Digital Temperature Indicator, 0-199.9°C with TSS Thermocouples Teflon coated Cr –Al (K-type)- 4no.
• Measuring Jar: Plastic-1000ml
• Stop Watch: Digital, 1/10 of a second, Racer/Pacer Make Experimental Capability: Over All Heat Transfer Co-Efficient, Effectiveness
• Manual: Self-explanatory Instruction manual
Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Apparatus:
The apparatus is designed to determine thermal conductivity of different liquids. The apparatus consists of a heater. The heater heats a thin layer of liquid. A cooling plate removes heat through liquid layer, ensuring unidirectional heat flow. Temperature is measured across the liquid layer and complete assembly is properly insulated. A proper arrangement for changing the liquids is provided. The whole assembly is kept in a chamber.
• Liquid Chamber: Ø160 mm (approx).
• Heater: Ø100 mm, sandwiched between copper plates.
• Insulation: Ceramic Wool
• Cooling chamber: Made of Aluminum for water circulation.
• Valves are provided for drain, charging overflow line to make system flexible.
• Cabinet to accommodate the slab assembly.
• The whole set-up is ingeniously designed and schematically arranged on a powder-coated rigid structure
• Manual: Self-explanatory Instruction manual