Abel’s Flash & Fire Point Apparatus:
This apparatus is suitable for determining the close cup flash point of petroleum and mixtures according to IP 33 and IP 170 and also IS 1448 (Part I) 1985 (P:20). It is suitable for oils whose flashes below 700 C. It is supplied with oil cup, cover fitted with stirrer, thermometer socket S.S. Water Bath, Stand. An electric heater is fitted at bottom for operation on 220 Volts AC Circuits.
The unit consists of electrical heater with energy regulator. Thermometers (02 Nos.) will be supplied along with this unit.
Pensky Martens Flash & Fire Point Apparatus:
This apparatus is made as per IP 34, ASTMD-93 and IS 1448 (Part I) 1270 (P.21) and IS1209-1953 method B. Used for finding out Flash Point above 700 C and below 3000 C. The Instrument having Oil Test Jet/Gas Test Jet Flame Device, stirrer with flexible shaft. The Assembly rests in Air Bath which is covered with Dome shape metal top. The cup is fitted with insulated Handle and locking arrangement near Cup flange. The assemble is kept on round shape electric heater with Separate temperature regulator. Suitable for operation on 220 Volts 50 cycles AC Circuits.
It consists of electrical heating with energy regulator with Low rage Thermometer and High range Thermometer.
Cleveland Flash & Fire Point Apparatus:
This apparatus is used for determination of flash point and fire point of petroleum products open cup flash above 800C as per specification IP 36 and IS: 1448 (P:69) 1969. The apparatus consists of a cup, heating plate to specific dimension thermometer clip and test flame attachment with swivel joint for passing over test liquid surface in the prescribed manner, Heating is controlled by means of energy regulator fitted to the apparatus. Suitable for operation on 220 Volts 50 cycles AC Circuits.
Redwood Viscometer:
These viscometers are designed for viscosity tests of petroleum Products. They confirm to requirements of IP 70 (Former). Two adaption of Red Wood viscometers are available No. 1 for liquids having Red Wood flow 20 seconds to 2000 seconds and No. II for liquids whose flow time exceeds 2000 seconds. The complete outfit comprises Stainless steel bath with electrical heating arrangement suitable to operate at 220 Volts AC Mains with tap, oil cup with precision stainless steel jet, cup cover, ball valve, thermometer-clip. Stirrer and M.S. Sheet stand with electrical heating and energy regulator controller with necessary Accessories
The Apparatus supplied with 03 Thermometers, One Flask receiver, 50ml capacity and One Digital Stop watch.
Saybolt viscometer:
Saybolt Viscometer Made as per ASTMD-88 specifications with Universal and Furol Jets made of Stainless Steel. Stirring is done by hand with turn table arrangement (without Strainer, withdrawal Tube and glass wares).
Suitable to operate on 220 Volts AC mains.
The apparatus consists of electrical heater and energy regulator controller with the necessary accessories like two Thermometers, One Digital Stop Watch and one Flask 60ml Capacity.